

Short description

Display a scattering transform slice


    [sc1, sc2] = DISPLAY_SLICE(S, t, scale, options)


    S (cell): A scattering transform.
    t (int): The time index for which coefficients are to be displayed.
    scale (int, optional): The j-prefix of the coefficients to be displayed
       (default []).
    options (struct, optional): Different options for the display. Currently 


    sc1 (numeric): The coefficients satisfying j = [scale j_m].
    sc2 (numeric): The coefficients satisfying j = [scale j_m j_(m+1)].


    The function displays scattering coefficients of order m and m+1, where
    m = length(scale)-1, whose prefix is given by scale. For the coefficients
    of order m, there only exists one degree of freedom, the last scale j_m,
    so these are displayed in a vertical image to the left. The coefficients
    of order m+1 exhibit two degrees of freedom, j_m and j_(m+1), and so is
    plotted as a two-dimensional image to the right, with j_m running along
    the same axis as the mth-order coefficients (vertically) and j_m
    running along the horizontal axis. Note that scales run from top to bot-
    om and right to left so that frequencies run from bottom to top and
    left to right.
    The most typical usage leaves scale equal to the empty prefix, giving a
    display of first-order coefficients to the left and second-order coef-
    ficients to the right.

See also

List of all packages